Dry Brushing Technique

Dry brushing is hands down one of the quickest and easiest ways to create an instant WOW factor on your painted furniture.

Join me for this quick video where I show you a couple of different and easy ways to get stunning effects using dry brushing with Plain Jane Chalk Paint. All you need is an old paint brush, some paper towel and a little paint. It's easy, it's fun and one of the best things about this technique is that you will need to use very little paint.

Try it over raised details or build up layers of dry brushed colours on your painted furniture and create your own unique and stunning finish, or use it to create an aged or layered patina on bare wood or painted furniture. The key thing here is to use very little paint on your brush. You can always keep adding more if you love the effect and want to keep on going!

As always, I love to see your painted projects, so if you do try a project using this dry brushing technique I would love to see it!




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